Can You Not?

it all started on a day like this one
I was browsing the web for cool games to play
I came across one called "where is george"
i launched the game up and it ran smoothly
the game was simple I had to find curious george
one level, I lost, the time ran out, the words "times up" apeared on the screen
george held a knife, and jumped out of thescrenen, I yelled "I FOUND YOU GEORGE CONCEAL YOURSELF"
george vanished
"you okay honey?" Said PATRIXXX as he peered over the banister
"ye go beck to bed ill be up in a minute"
However, this experience left me horribly aroused.
I started masturbating but ended up blue balled.
Furious, I went to sleep, when I woke up, there was diarrhea all over the bed.
There was a skeleton in the diarrhea.
The skeleton had one eye.
Illuminati confirmed.
And then I died, and as a ghost, possessed the same skeleton and wrote this.
Then a portal opened and I went back in time, and then I realized what I must do.